Waiting also comes into play while moving your army between objectives. Just a few hours into the game, I was wishing my hero's party would come across a scribe, just so I could have something to read besides my own notes on the game.

You will spend a tremendous amount of time at the headquarters waiting for craftsmen to amass enough raw materials to build whatever you need. In the typical system, you pay craftsmen to mine and harvest supplies, with which you can construct new facilities, and then later create soldiers. By defeating enemies, completing tasks, or just reaching a point on the map, you are rewarded with a headquarters at which you may construct your army. You are assisted in battle by soldiers you create at your headquarters. The user interface allows you to program character movements, so that some heroes will attack automatically upon encountering a certain type of enemy - not a great change from many other RTS titles, but helpful nonetheless. The combat system is simple point-and-click. Unlike many other RPGs, the strengths of one weapon over another aren't especially apparent while fighting, especially considering the ridiculous amount of HP you'll encounter in both friendlies and enemies. The traditional pen-and-paper RPG stats are all visible, but the simplistic combat system often doesn't allow for much strategy in the selection of weaponry. Inventory is not well organized, and it's easy to get confused when choosing weapons and armor for each character. Speaking of sloth-y leviathans, the equipment system is where the game makes its first stumble. Decisions must be made, and early, to determine your character's development as a battlin' speed demon or a sloth-like leviathan with a big stone hammer. Heroes follow line charts of development that are similar to Final Fantasy X's leveling system, but nowhere near as mind-numbingly intricate. The leveling-up system is complex, but not unnervingly so. Like any game with RPG elements, your "hero" characters level up as they gain battle experience. There are only so many types of quests possible in this type of game, and SpellForce 2 walks the line between the repetitive and the implausible well. While the tasks do tend towards the tired "Find a bottle of tears from the rare Elvish Squatting Toad" type of search-and-return quests, the maps and models are pretty enough to distract you on your fourth leg of the "Tear Toad" type quests. The quests in SpellForce 2 are nicely varied, and there are enough twists in-quest to keep you from yawning too much by the end. To do that, you must prove your loyalty and trustworthiness by embarking on quests, integrating the RPG story elements which define the SpellForce series' mixture of genres. In the game's immersive (if cliché) storyline, you take the role of a fantastic hero on a quest to unite surrounding kingdoms against a growing threat from Dark Elves. SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars is a welcome diversion from the typical fantasy RTS. Both competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes are available as well, and up to three friends may play a campaign storyline on the Internet. The game's single-player campaign boasts over 60 hours of adventure, and the free-form character development system allows players to pick one of nine races within three factions and improve their heroes with over 100 special powers and abilities best suited to their playing styles. To fight well, the player's party must be supported with resources, which are gathered by building and managing real-time strategy styled bases. In the role of the greatest champion in the world of Eo, players lead a band of heroes to do battle with enemy Dark Elf warriors and unholy Shadow beings. Процессор » AMD | Intel Dual-Core 2.In the spirit of action-RPGs such as Diablo and Dungeon Siege (and the original SpellForce: The Order of Dawn), SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars offers fantastic landscapes to explore, monsters to defeat, and character skills to acquire. Жанр » Strategy (Real-time) / RPG (Rogue/ Action) / 3D / 3rd Person Наименование » SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition